Saturday 16 November 2013

Procedure text "How to Make Origami Boat and Airplane"

mohon maaf jika ada kesalahan dan mohon saran yaa. Karena saya juga masih dalam taraf belajarnya anak SMP
berikut adalah procedure text tentang origami "Boat" dan "Airplane"

How to make origami boat
1.      Begin with a rectangular piece of paper.
2.      Fold it in half like this. Then partially fold it again, making a crease near the top.
3.      Here you can see the crease. This helps you line up the corners wich you fold down.
4.      Now fold each edge of the paper upwards like this. Use your fingers to open up into a hat
5.      Bring the corners of the hat brim towards each other. The edges of brim will be pushed outwards. It’s kind of like you’re squashing the hat into a square.
6.      Now thake a lower corner of the square and fold it upwards. Flip the piece over and do the same for the other corner.
7.      You now have a folded triangle. Open up the folded triangle, bring the corners together again, squash the triangle into a square, one in each hand.
8.      Keep pulling to unfold your boat.
9.      We like to turn the boat over and expand the hole in the bottom. This will help it balance and float better.
10.  We just need some water to fload our origami boat.
How to make origami airplane
1.      Begin with a rectangular piece of paper.
2.      Fold your rectangular paper down the middle, then unfold to create a crease.
3.      Next, fold the top corners into the middle.
4.      Now fold the top point down to meet the bottom edge of the paper. Again, folt the top corners into the middle line.
5.      Now take the top point that was folded down, and fold it back up.
6.      Next, fold along the main crease to form the airplane’s body. Then fold each wing down.
7.      Finally, unfold the wing away from the body, and get ready to fly.

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